What I’m doing now

December 1, 2023

I’m in Dresden, Germany and currently focusing my attention on these things:

  • I enjoy working on my apps Mp3tag for Windows and Mp3tag for Mac and supporting the community around them.

  • Over the past year, I’ve also worked on HabitBoard — a simple and flexible habit tracker for iOS, iPadOS, and now watchOS. I always wanted to build the habit tracker of my liking and this is it — and I hope you’ll enjoy using it too!

  • I’ve discovered The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, a series about a rouge, introverted, and socially anxious killer robot with extraordinary humanity. Another recent discovery is Bring Me the Rhinoceros by John Tarrant, a book about koans and very approachable descriptions and examples on how to let them work on you — without turning it into a recipe book.

  • I’ve crossed the 1000 km mark on my running in 2023 (I keep track using Tempo).

Last update was on Dec 1 2023.

This page was inspired by Derek Sivers’ nownownow project.